We are in a territory recognized as a UNESCO World Geopark where the natural and cultural heritage have international recognition.
The heritage of the Geopark can be classified into five main fields:
Geological heritage: includes places distributed throughout the territory, essential to understand the geological history and the evolution of the landscape
Paleontological heritage: includes different sites, most of which are classified as Cultural Assets of National Interest (BCIN)
Mining heritage: shows the most significant mineral deposits and mining points in the territory.
Natural heritage: integrates the Protected Natural Areas included in the Plan of Areas of Natural Interest (PEIN), the Natura 2000 Network areas and the peripheral area of the Aigüestortes and Estany de Sant Maurici National Park.
Cultural heritage: includes prehistoric sites, Roman remains, medieval and modernist architecture, industrial legacy, spaces of historical memory of the civil war and intangible heritage. It also retains the quality of the dark sky with Starlight badge in two areas of the territory, a qualification that has the support of UNESCO.
The conservation and protection of this heritage is essential for the sustainable development promoted by the Geopark Orígens.

Carrer de Soldevila, 3
25620 Tremp (Lleida)